Link Roundup
Here is a gigantic link dump, can you tell that I'm cleaning out my RSS feed reader?

Record player made of paper
New Barenaked Ladies single as free, remixable multitracks
Coalition of Canadian Art Professionals Releases Open Letter on Copyright
Mathematical Proofs Set to Music
Roomba hacked into slightly cruddy musical instrument
Orphan works bill introduced: could give old creativity a new life
Historical Sounds in MP3 Format
Super-cool Fairlight CMI video on YouTube... mmm... old skool text mode step sequencer.
Negativland on copyfight -- video
Copyfighting Canadian musicians talk about Parliament meetings
Byrne/Eno's "My Life in the Bush of Ghosts" -- remix it yourself!
Canada's New Democratic Party embraces copyfighting musicians
Brazil's digital rights/open source -- MP3 of panel discussion
Freaknomics on Jane Siberry's pay-what-you-want music store
MP3 of flexidisc advertising old British holiday campst
The Clash on Fridays, 1980
Classic multi-ending MAD flexidisc MP3s
Free MP3: 1961 record of computer speaking and singing
Glitchdesk - couture circuit bending
Famous Sounds - Impressive catalog of famous samples and sound sources. (from the witness exchange)
Nerdcore artists to release nerd-rap compilation disc
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